Saturday, May 31, 2008

Multiple Countdowns

The time separating myself from my masochistic medical fantasies is growing slimmer. I am excited. Being out of school for the past two years, I crave the ability to release all responsibilities outside of learning. The first semester of the program I will be subjecting myself to is supposedly quite brutal. While the frustration, self-doubt, and general dismay this may cause will likely exact a toll, what else am I going to med school for? I understand that this profession which I have chosen will present enormous obstacles and daily challenges. I am prepared to make these challenges in order to be able to truly serve and use my life to progress this human world.

Alright, enough of the squishy stuff. A couple of my friends recently got off waitlists and our shared excitement for the profession has made me a bit spunky. I am going to have to hold on to these feelings when the times aren't so easy. On top of the countdown to med school, I am counting down the days to finishing at work and taking some time off. It's a bit like getting married (not that I'm married): while you are happy to have found something to spend your life doing, you want to jam in all the other experiences you can beforehand. Hopefully I'll have some success and others can follow along to see how to truly live out the final premed days.

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