Monday, February 16, 2009


My brilliant cardio pathophysiology professor is big on words. Cor is a word derived from Hebrew and Phoenecian languages that refers to a measurement of capacity in seeds. Cor then is a seed. Most romance languages derive their word for heart from this (el Corazon, cuore). The complete mastery of a subject is fantastic to observe-my cardio professor surely has it with the heart.

This mastery must have a starting place. Physiology has made obvious to me how ignorant I have been in these subjects. Medical school presents many of these moments. Basic concepts of preload, afterload, contractility, what it means to be in congestive heart failure, the balance of the vascular systemt between cardiac function/organ perfusion/renal filtration are all such basic parameters of human life. Yet they remain so completely ambiguous until confronted by peers further along in their understanding of materials who force feed concepts and knowledge.

The heart is also associated with something else this time of year. Valentine's Day is certainly not a holiday I am keen to celebrate. Mutations in culture have presented us with a stink bomb, in my opinion. I'm convinced that a nationwide vote would lead us to dismissing this holiday. Regardless, perhaps it is needed to give people something to do. For those of us who are single, it is simply an awkward affair. Am I supposed to get dinner with other single friends? Am I supposed to go out and look for love? Am I at least supposed to try to get laid? It's all fucking annoying. For me, the awkwardness of telling others my plans consisted of eating $10 worth of McDonalds and watching a movie in my room was easier than making plans simply b/c of the holiday. Everyone one else feel free to enjoy the VD...I mean Valentine's Day.

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